Laboratory of Plant Tissue Culture

  • Group leader
    Professor Teresa Cegielska-Taras, D.Sc.
    tel. (61) 846 42 05, 846 42 06
  • Researchers
    • Laurencja Szała, Ph.D.
    • Katarzyna Sosnowska, Ph.D.

Research areas

  • Application of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) doubled haploids (DHs) developed using isolated microspore culture for different breeding programs and genetic studies:
    • Development of winter oilseed rape DH line mapping populations for association mapping and QTL genetic mapping;
    • Production of DH lines with restorer gene for CMS ogura hybridization system;
    • Phenotypic analysis of yield component traits in oilseed rape DH lines;
    • Analysis of the content of seed compounds: fat, fatty acids, glucosinolates, bioactive compounds (tokochromanols, sterols, phenolic compounds) in DH lines;
    • Statistical and genetic studies of quantitative traits in rapeseed as well as the analysis of the genotype × environment interaction.

    Fig. 1. Production of doubled haploids of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)

  • Analysis of applied biotechnology methods to increase biodiversity in winter oilseed rape:
    • Transformation of haploid cells using direct co-cultivation of androgenic embryos with Agrobacterium tumefaciens;
    • Production of doubled haploids derived from transformed microspores and androgenic embryos;

    Fig. 2. Genetic transformation of microspore-derived embryos
    • Resynthesis of Brassica napus through interspecific crosses of selected subspecies of Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea;
    • Cytogenetic and molecular analysis of resynthesized oilseed rape embryos;
    • Development of semi-RS DH lines with double low quality of winter oilseed rape.

    Fig. 3. Resynthesis of Brassica napus L.

  • White mustard (Sinapis alba L.) androgenesis in the culture of isolated microspores.

    Fig. 4. In vitro androgenesis of Sinapis alba L.


  • Szała L, Cegielska-Taras T, Adamska E, Kaczmarek Z (2018) Assessment of genetics effects on important breeding in reciprocal DH populations of winter oilseed rape ((Brassica napus L.). Journal of Integrative Agriculture 17(1):76-85
  • Sosnowska K, Cegielska-Taras T, Liersch A, Karłowski W, Bocianowski J, Szała L, Mikołajczyk K, Popławska W (2017) Genetic relationships among resynthesized, semi-resynthesized and natural Brassica napus L. genotypes. Euphytica 213: 212, 1-12, DOI 10.1007/s10681-017-2000-7
  • Szała L, Sosnowska K, Popławska W, Liersch A, Olejnik A, Kozłowska K, Bocianowski J, Cegielska-Taras T (2016) Development of new restorer lines for CMS ogura system with the use of resynthesized oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Breeding Science 66(4):516-521
  • Babula-Skowronska D, Ludwików A, Ciesla A, Olejnik A, Cegielska-Taras T, Bartkowiak-Broda I, Sadowski J (2015) Involvement of genes encoding ABI1 protein phosphatases in the response of Brassica napus L. to drought stress. Plant Molecular Biology, 88:445-457
  • Cegielska-Taras T, Szała L, Matuszczak M, Babula-Skowrońska D, Mikołajczyk K, Popławska W, Sosnowska K, Hernacki B, Olejnik A, Bartkowiak-Broda I (2015) Doubled haploid as a material for biotechnological manipulation and a modern tool for breeding of oilseed rape (Brassica napus). BioTechnologia 96(1):7-18
  • Szała L, Cegielska-Taras T, Adamska E, Kaczmarek Z (2015) Genetic effects on agronomic and seed quality traits in reciprocal DH populations of winter oilseed rape. Jökull 95:9,16-30
  • Siger A, Michalak M, Cegielska-Taras T, Szała L, Lembicz J, Nogala-Kałucka M (2015) Genotype and environment effects on tocopherol and plastochromanol-8 contents of winter oilseed rape doubled haploid lines derived from F1 plants of the cross between yellow and black seeds. Industrial Crops and Products 65:134-141
  • Sosnowska K, Cegielska-Taras T (2014) Application of in vitro pollination of opened ovaries to obtain Brassica oleracea L. × B. rapa L. hybrids. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Plant. 50:257-262
  • Klóska Ł, Cegielska-Taras T, Piętka T (2012) Regeneration capacity of selected genotypes of white mustard (Sinapis alba L.). In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Plant. 48:180-188
  • Cegielska-Taras T, Nogala-Kałucka M, Rudzińska M, Szała L, Siger A, Kaczmarek Z, Adamska E (2011) Study of the comparing of sterols and fat content in populations of doubled haploids of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK Toruń. ISBN 978-83-231-2755-0 Monograph – part III:21-32 (218 stron)
  • Cegielska-Taras T, Nogala-Kałucka M, Siger A, Rudzińska M, Michalski K (2011) Genetic variation of bioactive haploid populations of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) Proceedings of 13th International Rapeseed Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, str. 687-690
  • Cegielska-Taras T, Pniewski T (2011) The use of herbicides in biotech oilseed rape cultivation and in generation of transgenic homozygous plants of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). In: Herbicide - Mechanisms and Mode of Action. Edited by: Mohammed Naguib Abd El-Ghany Hasaneen. ISBN 978-953-307-744-4, Publisher: InTech, chapter 7, pp.125-137 (204 pages)
  • Kaczmarek Z, Adamska E, Cegielska-Taras T, Szała L (2011) Yielding of winter oilseed rape DH lines in series of line x tester experiments. Proceedings of 13th International Rapeseed Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, str. 895-898
  • Matuszczak M, Tokarczuk I, Szała L, Cegielska-Taras T, Krzymański J, Bartkowiak-Broda I (2011) The localization of multiple QTLs on the genetic map of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. var. oleifera). Proceedings of 13th International Rapeseed Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, str.1026-1029
  • Szała L, Kaczmarek Z, Cegielska-Taras T, Adamska E (2011) Influence of yellow-seeded parent on DH populations of Brassica napus L. obtained from reciprocal crosses between black and yellow seeded DH line. Proceedings of 13th International Rapeseed Congress, June 05-09, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, Str. 741-744
  • Mikołajczyk K, Dabert M, Karłowski W, Spasibionek S, Nowakowska J, Cegielska-Taras T, Bartkowiak-Broda I (2010) Allele-specific SNP markers for the New low linolenic mutant of winter oilseed rape. Plant Breeding 129:502-507

Ph.D. dissertations

  • dr Katarzyna Sosnowska: „Rozszerzanie puli genowej Brassica napus L. poprzez resyntezę rzepaku ozimego”- 2018
  • dr Anna Olejnik: „Optymalizacja transformacji zarodków mikrosporowych rzepaku ozimego przy użyciu Agrobacterium tumefaciens genami AB1, CDPK i SKI oraz analiza ekspresji transgenów”- 2013
  • dr Laurencja Szała: „Zmienność fenotypowa i genetyczna populacji podwojonych haploidów rzepaku ozimego” - 2013
  • dr Łukasz Klóska: „Zdolności regeneracyjne wybranych genotypów gorczycy białej (Sinapis alba) w kulturach in vitro”– 2010